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Design Thinking: how to ask the right question

The success of a design thinking project depends on how much you can inspire and engage people from the beginning when they are involved in the "challenge" for the first time.

Asking questions seems easy. The hard part is finding the right question, which will determine our problem and drive us to the solution.

Priszcilla Varnagy, CEO of be-novative, presents the Problem Mapping workshop (which can be performed remotely or in-person). Following a method step by step, it is possible to structure ideas together with a group of participants, or involving external stakeholders (experts, consultants, journalists, and why not, clients).

Watch the video, and be inspired!


I'm Francesca Concina and here I share articles and news about IPR. I write about innovation, crisis management, stakeholder engagement.

I have a MBA, Master in Integrated Communication for Business and organizations, Master in New Media, bachelor in Public Relations.

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