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How To Leverage Brand Values

Thinking metaphorically: these projects are like movies, with their roles and rules, where the Strategic Communication Manager is the director, having a 360° view of the project, and being committed to achieving the objectives by preserving the brand reputation.

During the Holiday Season, when Macbeth was on stage at La Scala in Milan for the

Opening, we had the pleasure to work on an exclusive project for Champagne Drappier, a French Maison in Urville, France.

This opportunity made me reflect on how to better leverage awareness when sharing brand values with other brands/people/events.

A bottle of high-end champagne can donate to its winelovers the same expectation, excitement, and luxury feeling as an opera-lover proves while waiting for the "Prima" of the season.

Our project was based on this inspirational and aspirational consideration.

The idea was to share the feelings and the mood of the "Prima Alla Scala" with all the people who couldn't be in Milan and/or did not know the event.

Aimed to align the values of the event to those of the brand Drappier, we decided to create a narrative where two influencers/celebrities were living the time before and after the performance: teasing the moments, enjoying the scenery from the Armani Hotel Milano and the festive season in Milan, getting ready for the "Prima" while enjoying some sparkling and bubbling moments. All in real-time using their social media channels.

Back to my thought: what was the most important choice to enlighten the brand values?

Thinking metaphorically: these projects are like movies, with their roles and rules.

  1. In the spotlight: there is a non-written rule of balance between the roles of players (brand, co-brands, influencers, and so on). One is the protagonist, but sometimes co-protagonists take the scene. When you need to partner with locations (i.e. hotel, theatres, etc.) or people (celebrity, influencers, etc.), they have to be conscious about their role. Sometimes, they will stay behind the scenes. The same applies to your brand. This makes the difference between an advertising and a narrative project.

  2. Your co-protagonists: they will embody the brand, not only physically but also with their personality and gesture (proxemic). They must be aligned with the values of the brand, and embrace its key messages.

  3. Beyond self-celebration: consider partnering with a location, an event, an experience. People will easily remember your brand and associate it with an elegant, relaxed, funny, magical (and so on) moment.

Who's the director? The Strategic Communication Manager, who has the view at 360° of the project, and is committed to achieving the objectives by preserving the brand reputation.

Credit Photo: Anam.Cara Comunicazione


I'm Francesca Concina and here I share articles and news about IPR. I write about innovation, crisis management, stakeholder engagement.

I have a MBA, Master in Integrated Communication for Business and organizations, Master in New Media, bachelor in Public Relations.

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