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Remote Training: how you can better achieve your goals

When it comes to move from traditional training to online training, most of the leaders, and trainers too, are afraid it won’t work. This is the result from oversimplification, when the “Ladder of Inference[1] makes us acting by the Reflective Loop caused by our beliefs.

Our automatic brain system choose what data to select, and how add meaning to that data following a certain path, making as easy as possible for us to work.

But now, everything is changing very fast. We are facing challenging as never before, and we must build what Wiley C. Davi and Duncan H. Spelman call the Uncertainty Capacity [2], slowing down, pausing and introspecting to find new perspectives and solutions.

Below, a quick list by digital marketing consultant Eric Schwartzman of the reasons why online training is the “new normal” and, is not so bad.

© Peter M. Senge

Better Time Management

Online social media training can be chunked up into bite sized nuggets and employees can focus on what they don’t know and avoid sitting through what they know already.


Online social media training is prerecorded, so they can focus on learning the key concepts, and if they miss something, they can rewind and watch again as many times as they like.


There’s just no need to invest a subject matter expert’s productivity in delivering the same information over and over again when it can be recorded and delivered on-demand.


Online social media training can be delivered anytime, anywhere on any device. To learn more, please visit his Blog and do not forget to send your questions for Eric, he will be our speaker at the Workshop on the 2nd October and will reply to your doubts, suggestions, ideas thanks to his 20 years’ experience in the sector. ©wafflesncream

[1] The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization, Peter M. Senge, Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts, Richard B. Ross, and Bryan J. Smith, Currency, Doubleday, 1994 [2] Leading with Uncommon Sense, 2000, Wiley C. Davi, Duncan H. Spellman, Springer, 2020


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