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Omicron: be crisis-ready means adopting a listening culture, co-creation, and fostering trust.

We are living in a liquid, rapidly changing scenario. Being adaptive and building a crisis-ready culture is no more an option. It is the way of surviving for organizations.

In the past three days, the leaders of the World had to take rapid and impactful decisions. So the organizations.

While companies were facing the lack of raw materials, the delays at the customs, and adapting the internal processes to the national and international sanitary protocol, in just a second the World stopped - refreshed - and moved on. Omicron knocked at our doors.

No matter where you live and operate. We finally understood what "global economy" means.

What is making the difference now? Preparation and Trust.

Nowadays, being crisis prepared is more than having an updated crisis manual and performing once a year a training - just for some employees.

It is creating a crisis culture based on listening, strong communication, and co-creation of trust.

  1. Listen to the people. How are your employees and stakeholder reacting to the new socio-cultural paradigm we are living in? Are they physically, psychologically, and emotionally healthy?

  2. Build an inclusive eco-system of communication. It has to be reciprocal, from the organization to stakeholders and back, open to people, free of judgment and biases.

  3. Co-create trust. The most challenging part, to be built on points 1 and 2. When you create a safe space where people can connect and discuss freely the issues they (or the organization) are facing, you will find it easier to engage them in the process of redefining solutions. You will also discover how powerful and quick is a methodology of problem-solving based on inclusion and sharing, and how much it can help decision-makers and leaders. Furthermore, people adapt more comfortably to new schemes and processes that fit their needs and, at the same time, perceive as reliable an organization that does not leave anyone behind.

Managing organizations and institutions is stressful and challenging more than ever. Being empathic, collaborative while using emotional intelligence to connect with employees and stakeholders requires a deep understanding of our limits. We should be courageous and try to build the Uncertainty Capacity*, the ability to slow down, pause, and introspect, even if the world seems to collapse.

*Wiley C. Davi, Duncan H. Spelman

More on this topic at the PRSA webinar I presented the past October, available until Oct.2022 - Participants with the APR credential earn 0.5 CEUs.


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